Father, daily we flow in Your divine nature, living
out Your great and precious promises, blessed
with all the provisions of Your benevolent and
bountiful Providence. We are blessed. Thus
Father, we say Thank You, we praise Your Holy
Name, we worship Your Magnificence in the
Beauty and Glory of Holiness, Selah!
Father, humbly we bow before You in all
contrition, beseeching Your tender mercies once
again for the forgiveness of all of our sins,
penitently placing all of our transgressions at
the foot of Calvary’s Cross, leaving them there,
accepting from Your faithful forgiveness all the
blessings of Your amazing grace, the outpouring
of Your gracious goodness, the complete and
total absolution from the stains of sin, washed
and cleansed in the Blood of Jesus. No greater
intercession in all the universe, Hallelu YAH!
Father, today we live out all of Your purpose and
will for us, as we grasp the reality of The
Crucifixion by ourselves dying in obedience to
Your Word, in Holy Communion we find ourselves
located in You, living in You and in power
praying in You. For Father, we are no longer
alive, but Christ lives in us, Selah!
Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, living in
us, sealing us until the day of redemption, we
ask that You help us to walk out the Word of
God for our lives, that it may live in us as a Holy
seed, an infectious germ, that we might be
contagious Christians, infecting every person,
place or thing we come in contact with. Father,
may Salvation spread like a tidal wave moved on
by the mighty rushing winds of the Holy Spirit,
that no part of this planet be left untouched,
and all the earth sings Your Praise, Hallelu YAH!
Father, make us as light in the dark places,
freedom in the bowels of captivity, healing in the
face of disease, liberation in the valley of
oppression, ultimately dismantling and tearing
the devils kingdom down. Father may the
vanguard of Your kingdom, the ministry gifts,
operate in all the power of Your kingdom,
blessing and touching every where their feet set,
may the spiritual gifts find fertile ground in each
and every Saint, growing and developing in
service, thus glorifying You. May Your Kingdom
come, Your will be done, now and forever, Selah!
Father, bless all the prayers of Your Saints this
day, and most especially our prayers of
intercession, as we present them faithfully and
faultless before Your throne in Glory, eternal in
the Heavens, in the mighty and matchless name
of Jesus The Christ, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,
the Holy One of Israel, and in the potent power
of His most precious shed blood, Hallelu YAH!